Our summer has been full .... full of family, adventure, and fun. And though the season is not officially over, the time has come to put our summer break behind us and move into another school year. Madison, now a seasoned veteran, has begun the third grade. This year Jordan joined the fun as a Kindergartner. With three days under their belt, they are both enjoying new teachers and new challenges.
Even though I am now left alone with only one at home, I cannot fully relish the quiet and slower pace that you might imagine. You see, Autumn is my fireball, full of life and lots of energy. There is no quiet and no slowing down with her. But there is less fighting and arguing without Brother and Sister at home to compete for my attention. And so, Autumn and I have very much enjoyed our time alone together thus far. I think this year will be a pivotal time for preparing her for preschool and directing her energy in the right direction.
Thought I'd share a few pictures of the kids off to their first day of school.

All ready for a new year

Look out Kindergarten..here comes Jordan!

One of the "big kids" now! Don't my new glasses
make me look smart?